Sliding Scale pricing
for 1:1 coaching
It is very important to me that my pricing reflects both my unearned privilege (as a cisgender, able-bodied white woman) and the structural inquities (racism, sexism, ableism, etc.) that permeate our culture.
My goals are to:​​
Put people before profit
Charge what I need, not the maximum possible
Make my pricing as accessible as possible
Recogize my privilege
Invite you to consider your privilege​
I addition to providing sliding scale pricing, I also offer 3-month and 6-month payment plans.​
Coaching package
3 months of personalized 1:1 coaching include:​​
7 one-hour coaching sessions (phone or video)
Unlimited email and ? support between sessions during work hours
Pre-work and session notes
Customized tools and resources
Option to add additional sessions.
Investment: See below
Option 1
The actual cost of coaching
You are able to meet your basic needs with ease.
You benefit from unearned privilege (ex. white, cisgender, able-bodied).
You own assets (property, investments, etc.)
You have comprehensive health insurance.
You may have debt but it doesn't hinder your ability to meet your needs.
Your career is stable.
You have access to savings when needed.
You are able to take time off and travel every year for fun.
You have expendable income and are able to indulge (concerts, restaurants, etc.)
Option 2
66% of the cost of coaching
Limited spots available.
You may stress about meeting basic needs but are still regularly able to meet them.
You are employed.
You financially support others.
You have health insurance but have a high deductible.
You may have financial savings.
You are able to buy some new items and thrift others.
You may be able to take a vacation every year or so.
You may need to make short-term sacrifices to invest in coaching (ex. eat out less, skip a beauty treatment, buy less books, etc.)
You are a stay at home mom with limited access to funds.
Option 3
33% of the cost of coaching
Limited spots available.
You often stress about meeting your basic needs and do not always meet them.
Your race, ethnicity or gender impacts your income.
You do not have health insurance and have to cover costs out of pocket.
You don't have access to savings.
You're an elder with a limited income.
Your family does not have assets.
You are a stay at home mom with very limited access to funds
What feels generous but doesn't cause you harm?
Thoughts to consider when choosing what you are able to pay
​When deciding what you can pay, I invite you to consider the following:
Would a payment plan make the difference? - I offer 3-month and 6-month payment plans with no added fees.
If you choose options 2 or 3 but can afford higher, you are limiting access to someone who may truly need financial support.
When you choose an option that feels generous but doesn't cause you harm, you respect the value I bring and provide the resources I need to continue providing free and reduced offerings.
The options below are not comprehensive. I trust you to choose the option that best matches your financial reality.
This sliding scale was inspired by the work of Emily at Chrysalis Exchange (my first coach), Emily Eley, Birth Roots, Worts + Cunning, & Mindful Member Care.